Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Gym Ettiquette

Hey again,

I wanted to use this entry to go on a sort-of rant, fueled by some things I have seen since taking over the Mueller Center weight room at RPI...In the interest of full disclosure, I stole a few of these from guys like Mike Boyle and Eric Cressey. Some are intended to be serious, for safety reasons, and some are more in jest. Hopefully you can tell the difference.

Here's a list of 12 things that should not be done in a weight room (Why 12 you ask?...Why not?):

1) Bicep Curls in a squat rack. If you need this one explained to you, you probably shouldn't be in the weight room at all.

2) Wearing headphones that cover your ears completely. This one is for safety. What if the bench presser next to you suddenly needs help lifting a bar off of their chest? Plus you look like a fool.

3) Doing Olympic/Power lifts from the floor with iron plates. When there are bumper plates available, use them.

4) Doing Olympic lifts in the middle of the weightroom floor when there are platforms available. The platforms are there for a reason. If you don't like the mirrors, turn around.

5) Throwing/Dropping dumbbells intentionally. Unless they slip, or you lose control, if you are strong enough to lift them up, you're strong enough to put them down under control. You don't think so? Well guess what, hoss? You're using too much weight.

6) Wearing cut-off shirts that are ripped down the side. Stole this one from Mike Boyle. Ask yourself this: If there were no mirrors, would you still wear them? Get over yourself.

7) Placing dumbbells (especially heavy ones) on benches in between sets. Same reason as #5. Save the equipment the wear and tear. Respect the weight room and the equipment. And just because you pay $50,000 per year for school, doesn't mean that it all goes into the budget for replacing the equipment you treat like sh!$.
8) Not re-racking the weights in the proper spot. Stop being lazy. You are working out, not killing time in class or on a job somewhere.

9) Not re-racking the weights period (same for other equipment). Ditto.

10) Not-wiping down equipment when you are done with it. This is obviously for sanitary reasons. The weight room is an easy place to spread illnesses. Do your part to keep it minimal.

11) Not using clips when squatting with large groups of people around. This is just lazy and stupid. No exceptions.

12) Asking trainers/employees to change the song that's playing. Again, out of the $50,000 paid for tuition, how many dollars do you think goes to hiring a DJ in the weight room? That's not my job. Get over it, or bring an Ipod.

13) Lifting without a partner/spotter. This is one that I've been guilty of myself, but I realize how idiotic it is and I hope none of you are too proud to ask for a little help when needed.

Before you make judgments and say how bitter I am, understand that I love what I do and enjoy it every day. This list is meant to be mostly sarcastic while getting a few points across.


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