Friday, October 16, 2009

Gettin' ready for the weekend

A few things to think about before the weekend...

1. While I really respect the amount of effort and schooling doctors have to go through to get to where they are, it's important to remember they are experts at only what they do. This past summer I had an athlete who worked extremely hard to recover from ACL surgery that was done in February. Attempting to get back in time for soccer season (the season started at less than 5 months post-surgery), she had a doctor her clear her for full activity. But what did he use to assess her ability to play? A quick manual muscle test on the injured knee. The ligament seemed strong, so she was good to go, right? Well what he failed to do was assess her overall movement quality (and maybe that's out of his realm) which is a huge part of assessing risk of future injury. I tried explaining this to the athlete and father, that her muscular endurance was not adequate and she was still favoring the leg, even if only for a lack of confidence. Understandably they went with the Doctors advice (why wouldn't they-it seemed more favorable to her situation, and he is of course a Doctor). Well after not hearing anything for a few weeks, and assuming no news was good news, I called to see how the soccer season was going. Long story short (too late, I know), She had just had surgery on her other ACL. I feel awful for the athlete and luckily with the timing of this one there is no reason to rush back. But I can't help but wonder if this all could have been avoided...Lesson: Ask questions and get a few different opinions from specialists before accepting a prognosis.

2. I just saw an ad for the Wii Fit Plus (or Pro, I don't know). Who are they trying to kid with this? Are people really buying this in an effort to get in shape??? I can only imagine what these meetings at Nintendo are like: "Let's take overweight kids who are already confined running around the house, and put them on a 2'x2' plate so they can't move at all, but we'll add the word 'Fit' to the system and it will be awesome." I don't even have anything intelligent to counter that with because it's not worth my thought process. If you think the Wii Fit is a good idea, then I can't help you either.

Normally I try to be PC, but if you think this is going to get you in shape, you're an idiot

3. Is it always this cold in October? Already snow around the Northeast and there may end up being 2 or 3 (if not more) playoff baseball games snowed out. I think I need to learn to ski to help me get through another winter in the adirondacks, because this isn't going to cut it.

4. If you're looking for a good read, check out Born to Run, by Christopher McDougall. Even as a coach who focuses on speed and explosiveness, it's a great look into what people were put on earth to do; run. There's a great chapter detailing the problems that started to arise when we started wearing running shoes (and paving more roads). The story itself is really enthralling as well, it's not just for runners.

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